Boxlight Educator UK

20 Resources for Summer Learning

Posted by Melizza Cuizon on May 25, 2021 8:30:00 AM

20 Summer Learning Resources

School is wrapping up and most of us are thinking of ways to help our students maintain their progress over the summer in fun and engaging ways. The following resources are terrific for learning from home with or without parent and caregiver help. In some cases, membership is required but for the most part, the resources offer free activities. If you have a few minutes, click through some of these resources and/or share them with your students’ families for summer enrichment.


  1. Corbett Maths Primary is a collection of short activities, videos, and worksheets. Concepts range from addition to finding percentage.
  2. NRICH is a website dedicated to helping children understand and experience maths in a meaningful way with rich experiences and activities. There are resources for Primary to students Post 16.
  3. Mathsticks provides activities, resources, and games to boost maths learning for primary-aged children.
  4. White Rose Maths gives parents and caregivers ‘home learning’ lessons for Years 1-9, which include videos, activities, and slide presentations.

Language Arts

  1. Authorfy Classroom is a collection of ‘masterclasses’ focused on literacy featuring authors talking about their works and how they create their literary pieces. There are masterclass videos for children ages 5 and up.
  2. Oxford OWL eBook Library is a collection of tablet-friendly eBooks great with selections by age, level, book type, and series.
  3. Teach Your Monster to Read is a fun, interactive game for early readers that helps them move from identifying letters and sounds to reading sentences.

English Language Learners

  1. Flash Academy has free resources to help students learn and practice English skills in a variety of subjects including Literacy, Writing, and Maths.
  2. Duolingo language platform helps English learners practice reading and speaking skills, with personalized feedback.


  1. Emotional ABCs are focused on helping children understand the what and why’s of their emotions, with the goal of how to make better choices. Activities are visually captivating and interactive.
  2. MindUP provides children with the knowledge and tools to manage stress, regulate emotions, and face challenges with resilience and optimism. There are activities for families to try at home together.


  1. The Learning Zone is powered through the Oxford University Museum of Natural History and includes activities focused on fossils, insects, rocks, and other fun games and quizzes…
  2. Get Body Smart includes animated text narrations and quizzes explaining human body systems which is great for every age of learner, including adult learners.
  3. Climate Kids by NASA is a collection of activities and videos focusing on Earth Science concepts.
  4. Physics Central has a collection of physics-based comic books (yes, COMIC BOOKS!) that are great for those who love this genre of writing.
  5. Rethinking Education is a collection of science activities for primary age children that parents and caregivers guide them through.
  6. Classics for Kids encourages young ones to learn more about classical music and the composers behind them.

All Subjects/All Ages

  1. Classroom Secrets includes resources for children in Early Years to Year 6, with a selection of free activities. Activities include a mix of lesson slides and interactive games.
  2. Learning at Home gives parents and caregivers printable activities for children in early years to primary. There is also a Wellbeing Collection Activity Book available for students to explore their feelings and emotions.
  3. Oxford OWL Kids’ Activities includes free activity sheets for English and maths, for ages 5 to 11.


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